How To Live Free On The Open Road: Advice For Beginners

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Do you ever wish you could leave the world of bills and expenses behind? If so, then this post is here to help. We take a look at how to live free on the open road and provide some much-needed advice for beginners. Here’s what you need to know about this extraordinary lifestyle. 

It’s About Leaving All The Bad Stuff Behind

The big reason people choose a life of freedom on the open road is that they want to leave all the impositions of society behind. They’re sick of the rat race and want to explore what it really means to be alive, away from all the distractions and trappings of the city. 

Many people have chosen to ditch their conventional lifestyles and embrace a nomadic existence, traveling from place to place in a van, RV, car, or bike. The pastime is becoming more popular as many make this dream a reality. 

However, with that said, you’ll need to think about whether it’s for you. It can be a wonderful, adventurous life, but you need a certain spirit to pull it off. Not everyone can live free and happy without the comforts of a fixed home. 

Decide Why You Want To Live On The Road

Once you’ve understood what living on the road means, the next step is to decide if it’s for you.  It requires a lot of flexibility, adaptability, resilience, and courage, particularly when you’re just getting started. Life on the road is a shock to the system. 

Before you start, ask yourself why you want to do it. What are your goals and motivations? What do you hope to achieve from your escapade? 

Having a clear vision of why you want to live on the road will help you overcome any doubts or fears that may arise along the way. It will also ensure you’re living life on the road for the right reasons. 

Choose Your Vehicle

Now for the exciting part: choosing your vehicle. When you live on the road, your vehicle is more than just a means of transportation; it also functions as your home, office, and sanctuary. It needs to work in all weather, including when it gets cold in the winter or you’re far from a gas station. 

Many people look for used motorhomes for sale. These tend to offer a significant discount off the standard asking price. However, you’ll also need to consider space, fuel efficiency, maintenance costs, stealthiness, and amenities. 

The fourth point is particularly critical. You want to go under the radar as much as possible to avoid drawing attention to yourself.

You also want to consider the first point. Think about how much space you need. You may require more than you think, particularly if you want to enjoy hobbies. 

Plan, But Be Flexible

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The whole point of living on the road is to escape the nine-to-five grind. Therefore, living on the road requires a balance between planning ahead and being flexible. Planning ahead can help you save money, avoid trouble and make the most of your time while being flexible makes it easier to enjoy the moment.