What are Some Alternatives to Car Ownership?

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Maybe your car has finally given up on you, or you have come to the end of the road on your car payments and are looking for a better form of transport moving forward. Car ownership is becoming less common in favor of short-term options that are a little cheaper and greener. 

Public Transport 

There’s no doubt that having a car in your life is convenient – especially if you live in the suburbs or an outlying area and you struggle to get into town. But if you stay close to the town or your local amenities, you might not need a vehicle as much as you think. Save with Public Transport. 

Switching from a private vehicle to public transport might require some adjustments to your lifestyle, but there are upshots at every turn. For instance, you don’t have to pay a monthly premium for your vehicle or insurance, and it gives you some extra time to listen to audiobooks.  

Rental Services 

Owning a vehicle with a hire purchase agreement or a PCP loan is still fairly popular, but it’s a model that is losing ground to rental and subscription services. The reason is that cars depreciate in value very quickly and aren’t worth much by the time someone gets ownership.  

The alternative is not to own the car at all and instead rent it over a longer period. Car rental means you don’t have to think about servicing, maintenance, or repairs. Some rental services also offer insurance with your rental price. Normally, you have a set period for your car rental.  

Subscription Services 

Another popular option is a car subscription service that gives you defacto ownership of a vehicle without the overheads or the responsibilities. A subscription service works in much the same way as a cell phone; you are given a monthly premium to pay and a mileage allowance. 

As with a phone contract that might charge extra if you use more data than you have in your allowance, a subscription service also charges extra when you use additional miles. Overall, subscription cars are affordable and an excellent option when you need to sell non running car

Car Pooling 

If you want to abandon the costs of owning a vehicle privately and live a more eco-friendly lifestyle at the same time, you can by using a variety of transport services instead. Carpooling is one of many transportation ideas that creates more convenience while saving money and fuel. 

Talk to your neighbors and colleagues about carpooling and work out a system that suits everyone. Carpooling apps are now available that allow you to organize your local services more efficiently. Local car sharing is a popular and efficient way to avoid expensive ownership.  


Who said transportation had to be expensive and harmful to the environment? Cycling is an excellent way to get around, maintain your fitness levels, pay less for your transport, and live a more green existence. There are many bikes to choose from, including electric and city bikes.