
About Us

Here We Tow are Jules and Karina, and of course our dog Fudge. We created a Youtube channel in December 2017 after ordering our Adria Isonzo at the Caravan and Motorhome Show in October 2017. Our aim is to vlog, blog and share our adventures, trips, tours and product reviews with you. Hopefully we can help you and your family make the most of your caravan or motorhome and love every minute like we do. To find out how it all started click on our blog and share our journey.


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February 2024

The Caravan Camping and Motorhome Show 2024

From the 13th to the 18th February 2024 – had a great time check out our show video HERE


October 2024

The Motorhome and Caravan Show 2024

motorhome and caravan show 2024

from 15th – 20th October 2024

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Buy Me A Coffee

As you may well know, all this Vlogging and Blogging is thirsty work. If you would like to support us or the channel then please buy us a coffee using this link.


Our Channel

We have set out on our adventure on YouTube. Please check out the below videos to see our latest and join us.

Social Media

We are on all Social media accounts including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Facebook please find our links at the bottom of this page and give us a follow.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. Please us the contact form and leave us a message. If this because you want to work with us, comment on anything on here or just a general “Hello” all are welcome. 


Our YouTube Channel

Latest Video

Latest Video

Thinking of Italy for a touring destination, look no further here is the start of our mini series of touring in Tuscany.
